Manav Sewa Madhav Sewa

- To establish home & needful environment for the homeless, abandoned & desolate, dying and destitute people globally.
- To restore them with physical, intellectual, social, psychological, spiritual to live life with dignity and self-respect.
- To restore their confidence free from discrimination and ridicule.
- To encourage and motivate with skills, provide equal opportunities to become self-reliant and make them part of mainstream of the society.
- To set their emotions at par with human values and holistic reality of life.
- Deal with others in such a manner as you wish them to deal with you.
- Real socialism in one, in which people extend their helping hands for one another.
- Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.
- Even God also loves them, whose heart is full of mercy.
- Real education consists of drawing the best of you, what better book can there be than the book of humanity.