
Ankitgram Sewadham Ashram in Ujjain is the main unit of Ujjaini Varishtha Nagrik Sangathan (Ujjaini Senior Citizens Forum). It is a lifetime shelter and rehabilitation centre for the homeless, helpless, differently able, mentally ill, dying and destitute people from across the nation of all caste, creed, region, age and gender.

“Ankitgram” Sewadham Ashram is a voluntary organization running exclusively on public support. We encourage individuals, corporate and other agencies worldwide to support and participate in the welfare services we provide actively.

Years of Community Service

Residents in the Ashram

Lives touched since Inception

How You Can Help  

Corporate Connect

Corporate Offsite & Events

You are welcome to plan your corporate events like corporate offsite, corporate workshops, celebrate a festival or an event with the children and elderly of Ashram. Ashram is situated at the picturesque location adjoining Gambhir dam, at village Ambodia near ancient city of Ujjain and spread over 7.23 Acres in Mahakal Vankshetra (forest) near natural water bodies.

Get in touch with us to know details.

Become A Volunteer

Physical & Remote Volunteering

You can support Ashram through multiple ways of in-person or remote involvement and volunteer individually or in teams to lend a hand in educating kids, helping out in our medical camps and in-house clinics, work with our digital outreach teams or engage in a variety of other activities for the underprivileged and special needs residents at Ashram.

Get in touch with us to know details.

Sponsor A Resident

Your Extended Family Member

Ashram is a lifetime shelter and rehabilitation center for abandoned, neglected, old, disabled, mentally ill, dying and destitute people without the boundaries of age, gender, caste, creed and religion coming from across the country.  You can sponsor a resident for shelter, nutritious food, medical aids, health care, education and training, self reliance and rehabilitation.

Get in touch with us to know details.

CSR Proposals


Ashram is located in rural area and 24 x 7 power facility is not available through the rural grid power. 50 KwP Solar Energy Plant is proposed for CSR to Corporates to help provide uninterrupted power to Ashram so that Residents can have continious access to all the essential services. 


Ashram is located 25 kms from the Ujjain city and is in remote village of Ambodiya. There is lack of facilities and emergency services within its radius of 20 kms. Corporates are requested to support us for Ambulances & Low Floor Buses through CSR contribution for transfer of it’s residents for medical needs and run mobile clinics in remote areas.


We are running “Ankit Vinay Vihar School” – Sewadham (Registered under Child Education Act 2009 section 18 of MP State Govt) in the Ashram premises for 100+ specially abled children and teens who are 6-18 years old (some of them are also wards of the mentally ill and disabled residents). To expand capacity of our school CSR contribtuion is invited.


At Sewadham most of our residents are physically or mentally challenged and physiotherapy and occupational therapy is a must for them. CSR contribtuion is invited to expand capacity of our physiotherapy and occupational therapy and to get better equipments and instruments.

For further details of our Open CSR Proposals, please contact us.

Ankitgram Sewadham Ashram is dependent exclusively on generous support of public donations, donations from charitable organizations, and CSR.

All donations made to Ashram are covered under section 80 G of the Income Tax Act 1961. Ashram is also registered under FCRA for Foreign Contributions.

Virtual Tour of Ankitgram

Visit each center and establishment of Ankitgram Sewadham Ashram with Sudhir Bhai Goyal “Bhai Ji”. [UNDER DEVELOPMENT]

Ashram Highlights

‘अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में चमेलीदेवी ग्रुप इन्दौर के प्रमुख पुरूषोत्तम अग्रवाल ने सपत्निक पौधा रोपण किया

‘अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में चमेलीदेवी ग्रुप इन्दौर के प्रमुख पुरूषोत्तम अग्रवाल ने सपत्निक पौधा रोपण किया

इन्दौर के वरिष्ठ समाजसेवी, उद्योगपति, शिक्षाविद् एवं चमेली देवी ग्रुप इन्दौर के प्रमुख पुरूषोत्तम अग्रवाल एवं पत्नि श्रीमती सुशीलादेवी अग्रवाल के साथ सेवाधाम के सेवांगन में ‘एक पेड़ माँ के नाम’ अभियान के तहत पौधारोपण कर

‘अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में श्रीमती कलावती यादव ने आचार्य शैलेन्द्र पाराशर को ‘सेवाधाम साहित्य मनीषी सम्मान’ से सम्मानित किया

‘अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में श्रीमती कलावती यादव ने आचार्य शैलेन्द्र पाराशर को ‘सेवाधाम साहित्य मनीषी सम्मान’ से सम्मानित किया

आचार्य शैलेन्द्र पाराशर, अध्यक्ष सर्वभौम मानव विकास संस्थान को मालवी पगड़ी, दुपट्टा पहनाकर ‘सेवाधाम साहित्य मनीषी सम्मान’ से सम्मानित किया।

अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में 41 दिवसीय 32वाँ अंकितग्राम वर्षा मंगल राष्ट्रोत्सव का हुआ शुभारम्भ

अंकित ग्राम’, सेवाधाम आश्रम में 41 दिवसीय 32वाँ अंकितग्राम वर्षा मंगल राष्ट्रोत्सव का हुआ शुभारम्भ

‘एक पेड़ माँ के नाम’ अभियान के तहत 51 पौधे बड़े गमलों सहित बच्चों को अपने-अपने घरों के आंगन में लगाने हेतु प्रदान कर गंभीर बांध समीम पौधारोपण किया

Testimonials of Ankitgram


Those who need sewa (service) most, this dham (dwelling) is for them.  This work of Bhai Sudhir is unparalleled. Prabhu (God) give him all the strength to carry out such noble service to humanity.

Acharya Balkrisha
Chairman Patanjali Ayurved Ltd.


Unbelievable story of human service. This is not just Sewadham, it is best temple of the world. I never saw such a temple before. I have no words to appreciate work of Sudhir Bhai. God should bless him.

Bindeshwar Pathak
Founder of Sulabh International

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+91 735-499-2048
+91 942-509-2505

Call between
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Ashram Office

Sewadham Ashram (main unit of Ujjaini Varishtha Nagrik Sangathan),
Village Ambodiya,
Ujjain 456006, MP, IN