1. Introduction to AnkitGramSewadham Ashram:

Ankit Gram Sewadham Ashram, located in the serene surroundings of Mahakal Van, Ujjain, is a sanctuary for over 1100 individuals from all walks of life who are in need of love, care, and support. The ashram is home to a diverse community, including:

  • Homeless and Destitute people left uncared for by the society and family
  • Terminally ill patients suffering from conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and epilepsy.
  • Mentally challenged individuals who require special care and attention.
  • Elderly citizens abandoned by their families.
  • Special children and Victimized women with their children.
  • People with multiple disabilities and those from marginalized backgrounds.

At the ashram, we strive to create a safe, nurturing environment where every individual is cared for with dignity and love. Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that all needs—medical, emotional, and spiritual—are met.

  1. Bhojanshala Extension Overview:

The Bhojanshala Extension project aims to expand the ashram’s main kitchen facilities to meet the growing needs of its residents and guests.

  • Structure and Area:

The project involves a G+2 expansion covering a total area of 7,332 sq. ft. to accommodate increased meal preparation and dining capacity.

  • Funds Required:
    • The estimated cost for completing the project at the current stage is ₹60 lakh.
    • Additional details, including maps and photos, are attached for reference.
  • Donor Recognition:

To honor their generosity, the name of the donor contributing to this project will be prominently displayed on the newly constructed wing of the Bhojanshala.

  1. Purpose and Vision:

The Bhojanshala Extension is essential for fulfilling the ashram’s mission of providing timely, nutritious meals to its residents and visitors. With this extension, the Bhojanshala will be able to:

  • Serve meals to the increasing number of residents and guests.
  • Accommodate better storage, food preparation, and dining facilities.
  • Operate more efficiently to ensure that no one in need goes hungry.
  1. Contribution and Support:

The Bhojanshala is the heart of the ashram, providing sustenance to its 1200+ family members daily. This G+2 extensionis a much-needed development to keep up with the rising demand and ensure better services.

To bring this vision to life, we require ₹60 lakh for completion. Your contribution will directly impact the lives of the vulnerable individuals who depend on the Bhojanshala for their daily meals.

  1. Conclusion:

The Bhojanshala Extension is not just a construction project; it is an opportunity to serve humanity and contribute to a cause that transforms lives. With your support, Ankit Gram Sewadham Ashram can continue to provide care and nourishment to those in need.

Join us in making a difference.

NOTE: This report contains the basic information, if you need any more details please contact us.

Email: contact@ankitgramsewadhamashram.org

Phone: +91 94250 92505